Hello everyone,
Just a quick report in on the Group Seminar on October 20th. The virtual meeting went great especially for our first time. A big thanks goes out to Scott Hemingway, who volunteered to host and even with a… Continue reading
Hello all,
The group meeting was held at Perrigo Park in Redmond on August 18th. Those in attendance were Brian Gumke from Northshore Utility District, Tim Cantwell and Delynn Erickson from Woodinville Water District, Dennis McLaughlin Group… Continue reading
Hello all,
The Group had a virtual meeting last Wednesday, July 21st. Introductions were given: Those in attendance were Carrie Caffrey, Kathy Caldwell, Debbie Crooks, Jeff Davis, Fred Foreman, Bryan Gumke, Scott Hemingway, Mick Holte, Dallas… Continue reading
Greetings to you all. I hope this email finds everyone happy and healthy. The Group
officers have stayed in communication throughout this ordeal and we have finally
managed to organize a Teams meeting. Thanks to Wednesday for that!
It will… Continue reading
Survey Monkey – Virtual Meeting Interest
We are trying to gage the number of folks interested in attending virtual meetings and conferences. Please let us if you are interested and what program you prefer to use so we can make the best selection for all.
Welcome Back, Western Washington Cross Connection Prevention Professionals – June Meeting (Virtual)
It’s been way to long since we have all met. Join us on June 16, 2021 at 10:00 am for our 1st get together since this whole pandemic began.
1) Tentative Picnic Planning Discussion (August)
2) Challenges of 2020… Continue reading
December 2020 Group News
I hope this email finds you safe and healthy during these challenging times. As you know, the Group held elections this last month for Group Officer positions for 2021. I am happy to announce your 2021… Continue reading
Upcoming Meetings
Please note that all meetings have been cancelled until further notice.
Be safe and stay well!
DOH-ODW COVID-19 Update 3/25/20 Critical Essential Infrastructure
Good Morning Group Members,
I hope this communication finds you healthy and happy. The message below went out to all of the State’s Operators, Water System Contacts and Backflow Assembly Testers. However, the Group wanted to be sure that all… Continue reading