The November Group Meeting was held November 21, 2018 at Tacoma Public Utility.

The meeting was called to order at 10:06am by Chair Mick Holte. He thanked Scott Hallenberg for hosting.

Treasure’s report from Dennis McLaughlin:

Bank balance is $30,986.00

Seminar Recap – Dennis McLaughlin reported there were 127 paid attendees at the seminar + 59 attendees that paid dues. Dennis collected $590 in dues for 2019.

We need a huge participation at next month’s meeting. We need lots of ideas for topics and locations. There will be pizza at the December meeting. If you have ideas to share you can email them to Mick Holte @

SRC4 Seminar is February 21, 2019 at the Wentworth in Spokane, WA.

Dennis McLaughlin made a motion to send Bob Eastwood to represent The Group and The Group would pay the hotel and entrance fees for him.   Motion was seconded by Mick Holte. Motion was passed by vote.

2019 BAT Forum – Dennis McLaughlin reported that the La Quinta Hotel in Tacoma messed up our reservation for 2019 so we need to find a new date. Discussion to find a new date ended with a decision of Thursday March 27, 2019.

Possible topics for BAT Forum

The connection between BAT software with CCC software and how to merge the two. (XC2 or Tokay) The Group will reach out to Bellevue and Covington, who use these programs, to attend the BAT Forum and report on the pluses and minuses of the programs. City of Edmunds (Jeff Kobylk) and Coal Creek Utility (Carla Snyder) use the BMI program. Scott Hallenberg reported that Randy and Sarah Engle (with XC2) will be presenting a user forum at Tacoma on March 22, 2019 for .4 CEU’s. They may be a possible presenter for the BAT Forum.

October CCC Seminar – comments were generally good. Lots of comments on the good food. Other comments included: the temperature fluctuates in the room and the microphone (some cannot hear). Seminar for 2019 – need to decide if we will stay with La Quinta in Tacoma or an alternate place. The reservation needs to be made by March 2019. Discussion at January meeting.

Bob Eastwood raised a question about having so much money in our account. Discussion of possible uses to be discussed at December meeting.

Dennis McLaughlin reported that he needs to renew the non-profit status each year.

Debbie Crooks raised the question of having liability insurance to cover the board members. Bob Eastwood made a motion to check into the cost and need. Jeff Kobylk seconded the motion. Dennis McLaughlin will check with Humboldt & Davenport on the cost.

An Executive Committee Meeting for 2019 for Bylaws Committee changes needs to be scheduled for 2019. Will put on agenda for December Meeting.

Nomination for Executive Board for 2019

Chair –               Jeff Kobylk – City of Edmunds

Vice-Chair –      Brian Gumke – Northshore Utility

Secretary –        Katarina Hirai – Silverlake Water

Debbie Crooks – City of Kent

Treasurer –       Dennis McLaughlin – Retired BAT

Past Chair –      Mick Holte – City of Renton

Voting will be at December Meeting (PLEASE ATTEND)

Brian Gumke had a question for the group – On three story townhouses, do you require premise isolation? After some discussion, it was suggested that Brian stay in touch with the Fire Sprinkler Advisory Board (they meet monthly). Further discussion will be at the December meeting.

Door prizes for phone chargers. Winners were Bob Eastwood and Debbie Crooks

Meeting adjourned at 11:33 am.

Attendees – Mick Holte, Brian Gumke, Jeff Kobylk, Dennis McLaughlin, Scott Hallenberg, Bob Eastwood, and Debbie Crooks

The December meeting will be held at Northshore Utility District, 6830 NE 185th St. in Kenmore, WA