The Group held the September meeting virtually. Those in attendance were Dennis McLaughlin, Wednesday Smith, Paul Hampton, Rob Main, Carla Snyder, Jeff Kobylk, Courtney Little, Tim Cantwell, Mick Holte, and Delynn Erickson.

The meeting was brief, but we finished dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s for the seminar coming up on October 19th. CEUs have been approved by DOH. To avoid late fees, you need to register by the 13th. That is tomorrow! We currently have 76 registered attendees along with officers, vendors, and presenters.
I’ve attached the flyer and the registration form. We hope to see you there. Everyone at the seminar will receive a free insulated mug with the Group logo. We also would like to welcome many new members to the Group. As always, we encourage ideas and participation. Get involved. You can reach any of the officers via email or phone that is listed on the front page.