January’s monthly meeting was held at the City of Edmonds and our Host was Jeff Kobylk. Discussion was BAT Forum preparation scheduled for March 15th 9am – Noon at the La Quinta Inn, 1425 East 27th ST Tacoma, 98421. The meeting was called to order at 10:09 by our 2017 Chair Dale Baxmann, Intros were made and those in attendance were, Chair Dale Baxmann, our Host Jeff Kobylk, Treasurer Dennis McLaughlin, Vice Chair Mick Holte, Linda McMurphy, Debbie Crooks, Wednesday Smith, Carla Snyder and Larry Holmes. December’s minutes were approved.

The treasurer Dennis reported our balance is $28,795.76, the 2016 Federal taxes have been completed. and has also secured the BAT Forum venue at the La Quinta Inn, and cost is $600.00 plus a 17% service charge. Invites to Vendors have been sent out (20+ invites so far).

Wednesday and Dennis have been working together on the Treasurer duties, and were asked to research costs of purchasing a Quick Books type program for our finances and will report back to the board. The Board feels that being a 510c3 since 2015 audits and inquiries will be easier.

Some ideas for the BAT Forum are…

Rachel Neville: What is “no more than a drip”, professional growth requirements and how to apply for exams on- line, and talk a bit about the new WETRC facility in Auburn, not sure everyone is aware of the new digs, we understand it is awesome.

Matthew Russell (IRS), Sales taxes.

Bill Bernier, DOH… Air Gap “define RP”, Winterization recap (caps on test cocks) BFD failure rates of different makes and models, update on BAT testing / repair fire suppression systems.

ARI Rep, backflow preventer with a drip cup.

Dominic McLaughlin and Bill Bernier from DOH, to talk about the CCC reference manual and water using equipment.

Open discussion Q&A.

Topics and speakers may change a bit; we are still firming up commitments.

Wednesday also has been working on an information pamphlet for the Group and passed around samples for review, so we have homework to provide comments or changes at the next monthly meeting. The pamphlet looks great it’s about time we promoted our cause. Nice work Wednesday!

We batted around ideas for September’s field trip, maybe Romac, any ideas out there shoot one of the Board members a note.


Reminder 2017 dues are due, 2017 calendar is attached also is the membership dues form, and the BAT Forum flyer.

That’s it for now, thank you everyone, stay warm and dry out there, spring is on its way!

Take Care, Carla Snyder/ Group Secretary