The February Group Meeting was held on February 21, 2018 at the City of Edmonds.
The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by Chair Mick Holte.
The bank balance is $30,581.00.
Discussion on the upcoming BAT Seminar to be held Monday, March 26, 2018 from 7-12pm:
The first session will go from 7:00-9:00am. Then a half hour break. The second session will go from 9:30-11:30am.
It was recommended that everyone come early, in hopes that we won’t have to turn anyone away.
The Vendors will have door prizes donated.
6:00am – Set-up – Registration table with the membership list. Pencils will be available from The Group.
.4 CEU’s available
Notebooks will be donated by Bavco.
Jim Purzycki will give the backflow repair class.
Discussion on the ASR:
Steve clarified questions the attendees had regarding the ASR. Bill Bernier is confirmed to be at the May Group Meeting in Issaquah.
Discussion on Test Reports:
CCC Issues: Steve Dean took Terri’s place at DOH.
Uniform Test Report – WAC246-292-036 states only that a field test report is required. BAT’s send in reports that lack dates, what repairs were done and what is happening. There is always a question with the BAT’s, “I can test it, but can I repair it?”
Some jurisdictions require that all irrigation backflows are tested by July 1st of every year. They want the backflow tested when the system is turn on. Some thought the irrigation testing should be in the fall because the backflow is not working and there is air in the pipes because of winterization.
New Business: Dennis asked that the newsletter be on the website, that the officer list on the website be updated, and that the webmaster’s email be on there as well. Wednesday will make the updates.
Carla reported that The Group laptop is not working properly. Outlook doesn’t work. Debbie made a motion for Carla to have the laptop repaired, Wednesday seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Bob Eastwood reported that he will not be available to attend the SRC4 Seminar in Spokane, WA this year. Jeff Kobylk will attend this year.
Discussion on the preliminary agenda for the Cross Connection Control Seminar in October 2018.
The next meeting will be The BAT Forum on March 26, 2018 at LaQuinta Inn & Suites, 1425 East 27th Street, Tacoma, WA.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15pm.
Those present were Ron Brown, Tim Cantwell, Debbie Crooks, Julie Davis, Bob Eastwood, Mary Gonzales, Heidi Hiatt, Katarina Hirai, Mick Holte, Jeff Kobylk, Robert Main, Dennis McLaughlin, Dominic McLaughlin, Casey Parks, Andrew Piekarski, Wednesday Smith, and Carla Snyder.